“Each and every being has an innate ability to heal as a gift from the gods”
Energy Medicine
“Energy Medicine, at its foundation, focuses on the energy fields of the body that organize and control the growth and repair of cells, tissue, and organs. Changing impaired energy patterns may be the most efficient, least invasive way to improve the vitality of organs, cells, and psyche.”
The whole universe is made of energy. We are made of energy. Anything made of matter is made entirely of energy. Anything visible to the eye is made up of matter which is 99.99% space.
The quantum field. On the sub-atomic level, matter is composed of energy in the form of waves and vibrations. The quanta particles are what can change by means of human observation. Energy workers can use the quantum field and through observation and intention can facilitate a healing state in which the human body can experience change. Influences include emotions, beliefs, memories, diet, the environment, lifestyle, etc. All of this information is encoded in the client’s body-field in its many, many layers.
Lifeforce energy — whether you call it Qi, Prana, Mana, Ki — courses through our bodies and is directly connected to our quality of health. For thousands of years, cultures used Life Force Energy in various forms of Energy Medicine. Electromagnetic energy flows through everything in creation.
Unconditional love creates unlimited possibilities.
An individual who lives in joy lives in a state of love and power over outside influences. Energy is the highest form of all-knowing, self-intelligence. When these fields of energy are blocked or disrupted, organs, tissues and energetic bodies may be adversely affected.
Awareness. Acceptance. Action.
Tend | Medicine in Motion believes that holding intentional space for your healing journey is one of the highest honors and forms of love. In holding space, we cultivate Love and Wholeness. Wholeness is Balance promoting Body Harmony which in itself is Preventative Medicine. The direct result of Balance and Harmony is Empowerment. The simple practice of creating space for one’s body-mind-spirit generates a deeper sense of our Internal Landscape, creating profound individual Awareness. This newfound awareness, or what some experience as Remembered Self, becomes a compass to navigate your unique trajectory through this three-dimensional world. In short, Tend | Medicine in Motion fosters Radical Acceptance within each individual as they journey through self-examination.
Reiki + Spiritual Response technique
Reiki is an ancient Japanese vibrational healing modality. As mentor and friend, Susan Tate, states, “Reiki is similar to acupuncture but without the needles.” Spiritual Response Technique (SRT) is an alternative healing technique that works on the three levels of consciousness. The conscious mind, the subconscious mind and the super consciousness. Tend | Medicine in Motion works to remove subconscious programming, emotional issues and patterns accumulated in your present-life, as well as past-lives, that may be presenting blockages to you achieving health and harmony on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. As mentor and friend, Jan Harris states, “The human body is much like a hard drive…running all kinds of programs, some of which are out-of-date…many no longer serve you…SRT removes old programming.” SRT clears and dissolves present-life or ancestral programming, discordant emotional energies and spiritual blocks in the three levels to enable you to experience lasting change in all areas of your life.
“Self-care is no longer simply talk therapy, physical exercise, pampering or solitude — we can conjure a more cathartic and immediate shift by incorporating energy medicine regularly. We all have the capacity to cultivate greater joy, power and possibility; we simply need to be supported and equipped with the tools to do so.”