“Friends don’t let friends buy Essential Oils from the grocery store.”
There are over 3,000 identified varieties of aromatic compounds, each with its own unique chemical constituents that provide an array of benefits and healing properties for humans to take advantage of. While not a substitute for professional medical care, the benefits of supporting your wellness system with essential oils are boundless. Pharmaceuticals treat symptoms and often carry potentially harmful side effects. When we treat symptoms with essential oils, they fundamentally treat the whole body positively in its many layers.
dōTERRA a Latin derivative meaning ‘Gift of the Earth’ ensures Potency, Purity and Power for all of its products. dōTERRA is a leader in the industry practicing responsibly by sourcing sustainably and supporting local growers. All dōTERRA’s Essential Oils are rigorously tested independently (using Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry) to ensure that each batch is Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG).
Essential oils (EO) are potent, volatile and versatile plant matter
EO are a plant’s natural defense against disease, predators and weather. When we use them, we are using the plant’s natural defense system for our benefit
EO are safe, natural, 100% organic, non-selective agents to combat your physical, mental, emotional and energetic body
EO consist of seeds, bark, leaves, stems, flowers, fruit, roots, resin and rinds with antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial properties
EO are 40 — 60 times stronger than herbs
EO are also carbon-based, like our bodies, quickly absorbing into the bloodstream (approx. 30 seconds) and begin to heal
There are three ways to experience essential oils:
Aromatically | Topically (Localized/Systemic) | Internally
Karlene often infuses her energy medicine practice with an intentional custom selection for each client. Custom essential oil blends make a unique and empowering gift for self or others. Custom dōTERRA Blends range from $25 to $75
Essential Oils can be used for a wide range of physical, mental, emotional and energetic wellness.
Purchase a discounted wholesale kit and receive a 25% discount off all future purchases for an entire year! All of our starter kits waive the $35 wholesale membership fee and allow you to purchase any dōTERRA oil or products at wholesale pricing for the next year ($25 wholesale membership, each consecutive year). Receive additional discounts and freebies when you order every month.